Edward Powers, Chief

17401 Holland Road
Brook Park, Ohio 44142
P: 216-433-1239
F: 216-362-3222

Brook Park Police Department
There are three distinct hiring programs to become a Brook Park police officer: (1) Direct Appointment (Civil Service Testing), (2) Police Academy Graduate Appointment, and (3) Lateral Officer Appointment.

Please see individual application packets below:

Please click here to download the application packet in PDF format.

Please click here to download the application packet in PDF format.

Please click here to download the application packet in PDF format.

Follow the link to apply for entry level Police jobs.


Follow the link to apply for entry level Fire and Police jobs.


Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs Warns Residents of New Round of Impostor Scams
The Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs is warning residents about a new round of impostor scams impersonating County Sheriff’s deputies or court officials.
Please click here to view the press release (PDF).


Are You Okay Program
The Brook Park Police Department has started taking applications for the Are You Okay program. The “Are You Okay?” program is an automated system that will contact our community members who voluntarily sign-up. The program is designed to assist seniors, disabled persons, shut-ins, or persons who live alone under circumstances, which render them vulnerable to illness or injury to make sure they are capable of answering the phone. The program is free of charge and can call you either once or twice a day at a time your select. If you are unable to answer the telephone, we will contact your family member or person you designate on the application. If we are unable to reach your designated person, we will have the police respond to your residence to check on you. If you have any questions about the program, you can call Officer Kimmich at 216-433-1239 or mkimmich@cityofbrookpark.com.

Are You Okay Application Page
Are You Okay Client Waiver Page
Are You Okay Field Interview Form Fillable PDF

Autism Safety Roster UPDATED 10/2/2017
The Brook Park Police Department has started a program named the Autism Safety Roster. The Autism Safety Roster is a project in partnership between the community members of Brook Park and the Brook Park Police Department. This roster promotes communication and enables the police department to have quick and relevant access to important information about a person with Autism. This information may be crucial in instances where affected persons wander or are experiencing a crisis situation.

The voluntarily supplied information about the person may include: name, birthday, physical description, emergency contact information, known triggers/ behaviors and more. Having early access to this information may prove crucial to successfully defusing a crisis situation or locating a person that has wandered away from safe surroundings. If you have any questions about the program, you can call Officer Kimmich at 216-433-1239 or mkimmich@cityofbrookpark.com.

Autism Safety Roster Information Page
Autism Safety Application

Lock Box Program UPDATED 10/2/2017
The Brook Park Police Department would like to remind residents of our Lock Box Program. What is the Lock Box Program?

The lock box program is designed to help elderly or disabled people that might have trouble answering the door if they are in need.

How does it work?
An officer will respond to your house to and install a lock box on the frame of your door. A key to your house will be locked inside the lock box. There are only three that can open the lock box, one on each of the two ambulances and one in the police department. The lock box can be used for:

  • If you are in need of medical assistance and can’t open the door for EMS personnel, they will use the lock box to gain entry into your residence instead of having to force entry.
  • If you lock yourself out of your residence, an officer can respond to open the door for you.
  • If family members are unable to reach you, they can contact us and we are able to respond to your residence to check on your well being.

If you have any questions about the program, you can call Officer Kimmich at 216-433-1239 or mkimmich@cityofbrookpark.com.

Lock Box Information Page
Lock Box Application Page

Police Department Lobby Services

Please click here for important information regarding Police Department Lobby Access and Services.

Alarm Permit Information New

Download Alarm Permit Application

Please refer to the Ordinance by clicking the URL named Burglar Alarm Ordinance:
Burglar Alarm Ordinance

To get a copy of an Accident Report filed with our city, go to http://brookparkoh.policereports.us/

  • When experiencing an emergency, dial 911
  • To request a patrol unit for incidents that are NOT life threatening, call 216-433-1234.
  • For informational purposes call 216-433-1239.

Mission Statement:

The primary mission of the Brook Park Police Department is to provide high quality services to our citizens with an emphasis on improving the quality of life in our community by promoting a safe environment.

To accomplish this goal, we will prepare ourselves and our organization by achieving high levels of competency to provide police services that deter crime, protect persons and property, and create a sense of security in our community.

In the coming years, we will provide our organization and ourselves, through training and implementing policies and procedures that exemplify our genuine commitment to provide the best quality services for the citizens for whom we serve…

From the Newsletter:

Remember to follow safe practices when either shopping on line or shopping at the area mall or retailer. When shopping at the mall here are a few suggestions: Park in an area close to the mall entrance that is well lit if shopping in the evening. Pay attention to your surroundings and have your keys and cell phone ready to use. If carrying anything in your arms be sure your hands are free and when you’re finally prepared, simply walk directly to your destination. When shopping on-line: 1) Be sure you know your merchant 2) Protect your privacy. 3) Learn all of the details of the order such as fees, charges, and delivery dates along with return policies. 4) Choose just one credit card to use for all internet purchases and safeguard your password. 5) Keep good records of the transaction.

Emergency Contact Information

Do you know Ohio was the first state in the US that allows you to voluntarily provide Emergency Contact Information within the records of your Ohio Drivers License or Ohio State ID? Why is this important to you? It’s important because it is difficult for law enforcement to find your family members if you are hurt and can’t tell them who to call!

  • If you are injured, and unable to speak, the only info law enforcement has to find your loved ones is the address on your drivers license
  • Is someone always at that address?
  • Average time to unite loved ones is SIX hours
  • Voluntarily providing your Emergency Contact Information means First Responders can find your loved ones in minutes, not HOURS
  • It’s FREE, SECURE, and takes just a couple of minutes

Go to https://publicsafety.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odps/who-we-are/resources/next_of_kin to enter your emergency contact information.

Ohio Awards Certification to the Brook Park Police Department for Adopting Standards

COLUMBUS – The Brook Park Police Department (Cuyahoga County) has adopted and implemented state standards established by the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board as part of the state’s efforts to strengthen community and police relations.

More than 500 agencies employing over 27,000 officers (in all 88 counties representing nearly 80 percent of all law enforcement officers in Ohio in most of Ohio’s metropolitan areas) are either certified or in the process of becoming certified by meeting standards for the use of force, including deadly force, and agency recruitment and hiring.

The standards are the first of their kind in Ohio and were developed by the Collaborative in August 2015.

The state has partnered with the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association and the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police to help certify Ohio’s nearly 960 law enforcement agencies on a process to ensure that they are in compliance with Ohio’s new standards.

The first list of all Ohio compliant agencies was published March 31. The report, which includes information on the certification process and the complete list of agencies who have and have not been certified, can be found at: http://www.ocjs.ohio.gov/ohiocollaborative/

Information for Residents

Report Suspicious Activity in Your Neighborhood

The Police Department depends on citizens calling to report crimes or suspicious activity. Recently we have had a number of criminal mischief and criminal damaging complaints in our neighborhoods, including spray painting and other types of damage. We try to patrol all the neighborhoods, but often time an observant citizen is the important link that leads to apprehension. The dispatcher who takes your call will ask questions about the suspicious activity to determine its nature and ask for descriptions of the people involved. It may seem that they are asking numerous questions, but all the information is important to help us respond. Often a police cruiser is on the way while this information is being obtained. You may be asked if an officer or detective may contact you. Please call 911 or 216- 433-1234 to report suspicious activity. Or, you may make an anonymous report of criminal or suspicious activity at the city website using the link at the Police Department site.

Overnight Street Parking


Parking is prohibited between the hours of 2:00am and 6:00am on any city street. Emergency permission may be granted by dispatch upon request.
Overnight Parking Request

Teen Parties

The Police Department reminds you that anyone under 21 who uses, possesses or attempts to purchase alcoholic beverages is in violation of the Law. Juveniles will be charged accordingly. Adults, age 18 to 20, face a possible sentence of 6 months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Parents or adults who provide and/or allow underage drinking in their home or on their property are in violation of Ohio’s “Keg Law.” Violation is punishable with up to 6 months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Parents who host underage drinking also risk civic liability.

Inhalant Abuse on the Rise

You may have seen recent reports on national news programs reporting a rise in inhalant abuse among teens. This has been a problem for years. Many parents are not aware that there have been severe injuries and deaths from a practice known as ‘dusting’. This form of inhalant abuse is associated with the use of cans of common aerosolized computer keyboard cleaners that contain compressed gas. It can provoke irregular heart rhythms which lead to sudden fatal cardiac arrest in even very young and healthy hearts. This is something every parent should at least be aware of, as this practice has been shown in films and is on the internet.

Report Malfunctioning Traffic Signals

We have created a form on our website to report any malfunctioning traffic signals. We will investigate all reports. Feel free to report any problems you might be having with the cycling of the new system at this website. This form will remain permanent so other outages or problems can be reported as well.

Crime Tips

You may also leave a ‘tip’ on a crime or criminal activity that occurred in your neighborhood. Just go to the website and follow the simple directions. We will keep your identity anonymous if you request. We only ask for personal information so that we may follow-up with you on the report.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What time is curfew?
Minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from being upon public streets or in public places during the below listed times unless accompanied by parent or guardian or other responsible adult. The responsible adult must be over the age of 21 and has been given permission by the parent or guardian. (Ord #509.09)

Between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am on Sunday thru Thursday
Between the hours of 11:00 pm and 5:00 am on Friday and Saturday

2. I need to be fingerprinted. Can you do it?
Yes, we will fingerprint residents as a service to them. Generally fingerprinting is done when a jailer is on duty. We recommend calling first at 216 433-1239 as the jailer may not be available. The current schedule for fingerprinting is:
Monday- Friday 8am-1pm.
This service may be provided at other times if we can accommodate you, but you must call first. Proof of residency is required.


Too Good For Drugs Program

The City of Brook Park is proud to support the “Too Good for Drugs” (TGFD) program. TGFD is a comprehensive family of prevention curricula taught at Brook Park Elementary by our SRO, Officer Matthew T. Kimmich “Officer Matt”. The TGFD is designed to build protection to mitigate the risk factors associated with risky behavior (similar to D.A.R.E). TGFD develops a framework of self-efficacy and interpersonal skills to establish and promote self-awareness, social awareness, peer pressure refusal, problem solving, conflict resolution, and media literacy. TGFD builds the basis for a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment.

TGFD is a universal K-12 Substance Use Prevention Education program designed to mitigate the risk factors and promote the protective factors related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. The lessons introduce and develop interpersonal skills for making healthy choices, bonding with pro-social peers, communicating effectively, and resisting peer pressure and influence.

Officer Matt is the School Resource Officer (SRO) at Brook Park Elementary School. His role within the school provides a first line of defense against violence, fosters communication / partnerships between educators, law enforcement, students and parent, and ensures safer and more productive school in our community.