Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 11:30 AM
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AARP Foundation has kicked off volunteer recruitment for its Tax-Aide program, the nation’s largest volunteer-based tax preparation service. Volunteers may sign up to assist taxpayers either in person or virtually, with a number of roles available.
In addition to tax preparers and greeters, whom the program will train, Tax-Aide needs people who can provide technical and communications assistance, interpreters, and program leaders. Volunteers come from a variety of industries and range from retirees to university students. All volunteers need an email address and preparers with computer skills are preferred. Our recrnitment of volunteers is on a non-discriminatory basis without consideration of race, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.
Tax-Aide offers free in-person and online tax preparation and assistance nationwide to taxpayers with low to moderate income. Because of the complexity of the U.S. tax code, many taxpayers overpay their taxes or tum to paid tax services they cannot afford. Some may forgo filing their taxes and miss out on the credits and deductions they’ve earned because they are unable to pay for assistance. Tax-Aide volunteers can help by providing necessary services in communities where there is the greatest need.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide has grown since its inaugural team of just four volunteers in 1968 and has served over 68 million taxpayers since its inception. The program has volunteers in every state who typically number more than 30,000.
To learn about our volunteer opportunities, visit, call l-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277), or contact Steve Donovan, 440-237-7348. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is offered in coordination with the IRS.
About AARP Foundation
AARP Foundation works to end senior poverty by helping vulnerable people over 50 build economic opportunity. Our approach emphasizes equitable outcomes for populations that have faced systemic discrimination. As AARP’s charitable affiliate, we serve AARP members and nonmembers alike. Through vigorous legal advocacy and evidence-based solutions, and by building supportive community connections, we foster resilience, advance equity and restore hope. To learn more, visit or follow@AARPFoundation on social media.
Utility Assistance Resource Fair
Saturday, August 10, 2024
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Veterans Outreach / Veterans Outreach (
Please click here to download the Invitation to Bid.
Please click here to download the application packet in PDF format from the Civil Service page.
September 22, 2023
CITY OF Brook Park, Cuyahoga County Supplemental Grant (CSG) and Cuyahoga County Municipal Grant (CMSG) applications
The City of Brook Park is eligible to apply for funding from Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds administered by Cuyahoga County through the Department of Development as well as Cuyahoga County Supplemental Grant funds.
The residents of Brook Park are invited to an in-person public meeting on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, to be held at the Brook Park Council Chambers, 17400 Holland Road, Brook Park Ohio 44142.
The topic of the meeting is a proposed ADA-compliant multi-purpose playground. Renderings of the proposed playground will be on display from 9AM-11AM. The public is encouraged to attend to learn more about this project and to share their opinion.
If residents have any questions, they are encouraged to contact Paul Marnecheck, Commissioner of Economic Development, at 216-433-7032. Any person who wishes to attend the meeting and requires special accommodations, please contact Paul Marnecheck at 216-433-7032 later than 72 hours prior to meeting.
FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities Encourage Customers to Arrange Payment Plans and Apply for Bill Assistance Programs.
Programs can help alleviate growing balances for customers having financial difficulty.
Please click here for details.
AARP Foundation now recruiting volunteers for in-person and virtual Tax-Aide service.
Please click here for details.
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Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs Warns Residents of New Round of Impostor Scams
The Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs is warning residents about a new round of impostor scams impersonating County Sheriff’s deputies or court officials.
Please click here to view the press release (PDF).